Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

I made ice cream utilizing liquid nitrogen tonight. 1 pint whipping(heavy) cream, 1 / 3 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 / 2 cup cut up strawberries 1 liter liquid nitrogen.

Usually it takes hours to make ice cream. Liquid nitrogen, the most common gas in our atmosphere here on earth( 78 % ), is about 400 degrees below zero. You can get a 5 liter bottle at your local welding supply for about 30 bucks. You pour the liquid nitrogen just like you would water into your cream and sugar and vanilla mixture and stir w/ a wooden spoon until it is the consistency of ice cream, while stirring constantly. Do about a cup or less at a time until you achieve the ice cream texture. When the cream was about half thick I added strawberries, and continued stirring and adding more liquid nitrogen until my final desired consistency was achieved. It took about 5 minutes total.

5 minutes for real ice cream w/o any fake ingredients. Read the label of chemicals in ice cream. The nitrogen steams( evaporates ) away as you stir ( like magic in a Guthrie play production of A Christmas Carol when the Ghost of Christmas Past appears). When it stops steaming and if your ice cream is not thick enough, just add more. One of the easiest and fastest recipes that I have ever done.

I like it easy and I like it fast. This was great. And like any recipe, really, you can make it taste the way you like it. Taste the cream, sugar( OR HONEY), and vanilla in your bowl and add to taste as you want. Make it taste the way you like it - you will be the one eating it - it doesn't have to be anyone else's recipe - this is for you, as in all recipes. Use the basic recipe for a guide and go from there. I used cut up strawberries - use whatever fruit you like. Cut them to the size YOU like.

I must find out how they make nitrogen into liquid and how it remains stable and a liquid un that bottle which is not under pressure. Some configuration of mechanics inside the bottle must keep it from contact w/ our air so it remains a liquid. I will research that and let you know.

Terve' tuloa.

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